home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- AddToolType
- FCopy
- FileType
- FreeNewImg
- MakeNewImg
- MakePath
- ObtPens
- RecDirFree
- RecDirInit
- RecDirNext
- RecDirTags
- RelPens
- AddToolType AddToolType
- AddToolType -- Adds or changes a new/existing icon's tooltype (V10)
- (icon)
- tool = AddToolType(diskobj, tooltype)
- char * = AddToolType(struct DiskObject *, char *);
- This function lets you add a new tooltype to a disk object's
- tooltype list, or change already existing one.
- It is a smart routine that makes dealing with tooltypes very
- straightforward.
- The following is an example table about how a tooltype list gets
- changed based on a provided tool:
- existing tooltype | provided tooltype | result
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- SIZE=10 | SIZE=15 | SIZE=15
- (SIZE=10) | SIZE=15 | SIZE=15
- SIZE=10 | (SIZE=15) | (SIZE=15)
- [a new one] | DONOTWAIT | DONOTWAIT [added to a list]
- diskobj - points to an allocated DiskObject structure (usually
- created by GetDiskObject() function).
- tooltype - points to a new tooltype string to be added to a
- provided tooltype list
- tool = pointer to a provided tooltype string if succeeds, otherwise
- This example opens a ram:test.info icon and asks a user to enter
- tooltypes to be added (until user enters 'end').
- #include <libraries/supra.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <clib/icon_protos.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #define filename "ram:test"
- struct Library *IconBase = NULL;
- struct DiskObject *diskobj;
- char icon[50];
- main()
- {
- key = NULL;
- if (IntuitionBase = OpenLibrary("intuition.library",0)) {
- if (IconBase = OpenLibrary("icon.library",0)) {
- if (diskobj = GetDiskObject(filename)) {
- do {
- gets(icon);
- if (strcmp(icon, "end") == 0) break;
- AddToolType(diskobj, icon);
- } while (TRUE);
- PutDiskObject(filename, diskobj);
- FreeDiskObject(diskobj);
- FreeRemember(&key, TRUE);
- }
- }
- }
- if (IconBase) CloseLibrary(IconBase);
- if (IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
- }
- All memory allocations used by AddToolType() will be stored in
- FreeList structure that MUST be allocated right after the provided
- DiskObject structure. If you called your DiskObject by GetDiskObject()
- or GetDiskObjectNew() then FreeList is automaticly appended.
- All allocated memory is freed when you call FreeDiskObject().
- This function requires icon.library to be opened.
- FCopy FCopy
- FCopy -- copies source file to destination file (V10)
- (dos V36)
- error = FCopy(source, dest, buffer)
- UBYTE = FCopy(char *, char *, LONG);
- This function works very similar to C:Copy program. It copies
- a source file to a destination file.
- source - pointer to a source file name (with a relative or
- absolute path)
- dest - pointer to a destination file name
- buffer - maximum size of a buffer (in bytes) to be
- allocated for copying. If this buffer is 0, FCopy()
- will try to allocate buffer a size of a source file,
- or the largest memory block available. (this is the
- fastest way).
- error - zero if no error. Function may return one of the
- following error definitions:
- FC_ERR_EXIST - Source file does not exist
- FC_ERR_EXAM - Error during examination of a source file
- FC_ERR_MEM - Not enough memory availabe
- FC_ERR_OPEN - Source file could not be oppened
- FC_ERR_READ - Error while reading a source file
- FC_ERR_DIR - Source file path is a directory
- FC_ERR_DEST - Destination file could not be created
- FC_ERR_WRITE - Error while writing to a destination file
- /* This example will copy a file c:dir to ram: with a new name
- * list.
- */
- UBYTE err;
- if ((err = FCopy("C:Dir", "ram:list", 0)) == 0) {
- no errors...
- } else {
- printf("Error: %d\n", err); /* Error occured during FCopy() */
- }
- If an error occurs then a destination file will not be deleted
- if it has already been partly copied.
- FileType FileType
- FileType -- Examines if a file is a directory or a file (V10)
- type = FileType(filename)
- LONG = FileType(char *);
- Will use dos.library's Examine() function to determine
- whether a specified file(path) exists, and if it is a file
- or a directory.
- filename - pointer to a filename string
- returns 0 if specified file/path does not exist. If < 0, then
- it is a plain file. If > 0 a directory.
- This function actually returns fib_DirEntryType (from
- struct FileInfoBlock).
- type = FileType("SYS:System");
- type will be > 0, which means that "SYS:System" is a dir.
- FreeNewImg FreeNewImg
- FreeNewImg -- frees memory allocated by MakeNewImg() (V10)
- FreeNewImg(newImage)
- void FreeNewImg(struct Image *);
- You must free a new created image with this function, when
- it is no longer needed.
- MakeNewImg()
- MakeNewImg MakeNewImg
- MakeNewImg -- Remap an image to any new colours (V10)
- newImage = MakeNewImg(oldImage, palette)
- struct Image * = MakeNewImg(struct Image *, ULONG *);
- This function creates a new clone image of a provided
- image, and it remaps the new image according to a provided
- pen colour list.
- This is very useful when you need your image to use
- specific colours anywhere in the available palette.
- (e.g. you obtained some free pens from a palette, and
- you want your image to be shown with those pens).
- It is possible to modify an image's pens with PlanePick and
- PlaneOnOff fields (see Image structure), but this has a major
- limitation: most colour combinations are not possible to get.
- If your image has four colours (0,1,2,3), and you want to
- remap these to (0,16,4,7), you simply call this function,
- providing it with the image and a new colour map, and a
- new image will be created for you.
- oldImage - pointer to an Image structure to be remapped
- palette - pointer to a list of new pens
- A pens list should contain the exact number of pens as
- an old image uses. (2 if image's depth is 1, 4 if image's
- depth is 2, etc.). An image's colour 0 will be remapped to the
- first pen on the list, image's colour 1 will be remapped to
- the second pen on the list and so on.
- newImage - pointer to a newly initialized remapped old image's
- clone. If there is not enough memory, newImage will
- be NULL.
- IMPORTANT: If a new image was created you have to call
- FreeNewImg() to free the allocated memory, when you no longer
- need to use it!
- We have a depth 2 image (4 colours), and we want to use pens
- 0,16,4,7 instead of 0,1,2,3:
- struct Image OldImage = {
- .... /* This is a data of our original image */
- struct Image *NewImage;
- ULONG pal[] = {0, 16, 4, 7}; /* The new pen list */
- if (NewImage = MakeNewImg(&OldImage, &pal[0])) {
- DrawImage(rp, NewImage);
- FreeNewImg(NewImage); /* We will no longer use it */
- }
- A new image's depth will change to a depth that can hold
- the largest pen number from a pens list. It does not have
- any smart routine to check if the depth can be optimized
- down, by altering PlanePick and PlaneOnOff, yet.
- Bear in mind that if you provide a pen 255, then a new image's
- depth will be at least 8.
- You MUST free a new image with FreeNewImg() when it's no longer
- needed!
- This function can take much time when remapping larger images
- with more depths.
- None found.
- FreeNewImg()
- MakePath MakePath
- MakePath -- Creates all new directories in a path (V10)
- suc = MakePath(path)
- BOOL = MakePath(char *);
- This function creates a whole specified path of directories.
- It works similar to CreateDir() except that it can create
- more subdirs at once. User does not have to care if all
- sub dirs in a specified path already exist or not.
- path - pointer to a path string to create. A path can be
- relative to a current dir or absolute.
- suc - TRUE if succeeds (path was created). FALSE if a path
- could not be created.
- suc = MakePath("RAM:way/to/many/dirs");
- The above function will try to make all non-existing dirs
- in a path RAM:way/to/many/dirs.
- CreateDir()
- ObtPens ObtPens
- ObtPens -- Obtain best pens from a list of colors (V10)
- (gfx V39)
- number = ObtPens(cm, PalTable, PensTable, TagItem)
- ULONG = ObtPens(struct ColorMap *, ULONG *, ULONG *,
- struct TagItem *);
- This function calls ObtainBestPen() on a list of color
- entries, and puts results into a new pens list.
- It will attempt to find colors in your viewport closest to
- the provided colors list (PalTable).
- This is usefull when you want to use an image with more
- specific colors on a public screen with a sharable palette.
- cm = colormap
- PalTable - list of RGB entries for each color you want to use.
- The format of this table is the same as for LoadRGB32():
- 1 Word with the number of colors to obtain
- 1 Word with the first color to be obtained
- 3 longwords representing a left justified 32 bit RGB triplet
- The list is terminated by a count value of 0.
- examples:
- ULONG PalTable[]={2l<<16+1,0,0,0, 0xffffffff,0,0, 0};
- two entries (black, red); obtains only red one
- PensTable - list of pen numbers on your viewport, obtained by
- this function. First entry in PensTable will represent
- the first color in PalTable, and so on.
- NOTE that entries in PensTable with count number lower
- than the first color to be obtained (provided in
- PalTable) will be unaffected!
- TagItem - this tagitem will be passed to ObtainBestPen() function,
- that is called within ObtPens(). Please see ObtainBestPen()
- in order to decide what kind of precision for obtaining
- colors you will need. If this is NULL, PRECISION_IMAGE will
- be used.
- number = number of obtained colours (always the same as the first
- Word in PalTable), or 0 if failed. If it succeeds you must call
- RelPens() to free obtained colors.
- The following example will obtain red, green and blue colours in a
- viewport, and will put obtained pens into pens[] table. pens[0] will
- be untouched (will remain the same colour as viewport's background).
- ULONG pal[((4<<16)+1, /* 4 entries, starting with the second one */
- 0, 0, 0, /* black - will ignore this one */
- 0xffffffff, 0, 0, /* red */
- 0, 0xffffffff, 0, /* green */
- 0, 0, 0xffffffff, /* blue */
- 0};
- ULONG pens[4];
- ObtPens(cm, pal, pens, NULL);
- SetAPen(rp, pens[1]); /* Set the primary pen to red */
- Text(rp, "I'm red!", 8);
- You MUST call RelPens() to free all obtained colors if ObtPens()
- have succeeded, but you must not call it if ObtPens() returns 0.
- You MUST open graphics library (V39 or higher) before calling this
- function.
- RelPens(), ObtainBestPen(), LoadRGB32()
- RecDirFree RecDirFree
- RecDirFree -- Unlocks all locked paths (V10)
- (dos V36)
- void RecDirFree(RecDirInfo)
- void RecDirFree(struct RecDirInfo *);
- This function is called internally when error occurs in
- RecDirNext(), so you don't have to call it then!
- You can only call it when you no longer want to use RecDirNext(),
- before it finishes the scanning process.
- You DO NOT have to call RecDirFree() when you get any error,
- even DN_ERR_END (scanning process complete)!
- RecDirInfo - pointer to struct RecDirInfo which has been
- called with RecDirInit()
- none
- RecDirInit(), RecDirNext(), RecDirNextTagList()
- RecDirInit RecDirInit
- RecDirInit -- Initializes recursive files scanning process (V10)
- (dos V36)
- error = RecDirInit(RecDirInfo)
- UBYTE = RecDirInit(struct RecDirInfo *)
- This function is required to start scanning files through entire
- or partial directory tree. It locks a directory path provided in
- RecDirInfo structure, then files can be examined by calling
- RecDirNext() function. Please see RecDirNext() for more
- explanation on how this is useful.
- You should initialize RecDirInfo by yourself, and you MUST set
- rdi_Path, rdi_Num, and rdi_Pattern.
- RecDirInfo - pointer to RecDirInfo structure, which should be
- allocated and initialized before RecDirInit() is called.
- You must set its rdi_Path field to starting directory path
- you want to scan.
- Set rdi_Num for maximum number of directories you wish to scan
- into. If you set rdi_Num to 1 it will only scan one level (that
- rdi_Path points to). If you set rdi_Num to -1 it will scan
- unlimited number of subdirectories deep.
- If rdi_Pattern field is non-NULL and points to a string then
- calling RecDirNext will only return files that match the
- pattern string. NOTE that rdi_Pattern should point to a string
- which has been parsed with ParsePattern().
- error - 0 if no error, otherwise returns one of the following
- errors (also see libraries/supra.h):
- RDI_ERR_FILE - Path provided in rdi_Path points to a file
- not directory.
- RDI_ERR_NONEXIST - Path provided in rdi_Path does not exist.
- RDI_ERR_MEM - not enough memory to execute RecDirInit().
- Please see an example in RecDirNext() function.
- IMPORTANT: You MUST open dos.library before calling RecDirInit()!
- rdi_Path is a path relative to a current path your program uses.
- That means you can set rdi_Path to "" to scan from current
- directory, or "/" to scan parent directory.
- None found yet.
- RecDirFree(), RecDirNext(), libraries/supra.h
- RecDirNext RecDirNext
- RecDirNext -- Gets information about the next file (V10)
- (dos V36)
- error = RecDirNext(RecDirInfo, RecDirFIB);
- UBYTE = RecDirNext(struct RecDirInfo *, struct RecDirFIB *);
- Retrieves information about the next file in a scanning process.
- Calling this function will not provide a list of sorted files
- niether by ASCII order nor by directory levels. That means
- it will scan files as they have been stored on a disk drive.
- The main advantage of using this function from using ExNext()
- is that you don't have to program a recursive scanning routine
- by yourself. You need only to provide lowest directory path,
- how deep into subdirectories you want to scan, and which
- information about files you need to be provided with.
- RecDirNext() will only return files but no directories.
- You are also able to select a matching pattern so that only
- files which match it will be returned.
- Please see RecDirInit() for more info.
- RecDirInfo - pointer to RecDirInfo structure. You MUST call
- RecDirInit(), providing it with this structure, before calling
- any RecDirNext() function.
- RecDirFIB - pointer to RecDirFIB structure which should be
- previousely allocated. You only set those fields in the
- structure that you want to have information about. Any field
- should point to a variable into which information will be stored.
- Check "struct RecDirFIB" to see what each field mean.
- All field in RecDirFIB structure that are set to NULL will be
- ignored.
- error - zero if no error. Otherwise one of the following:
- DN_ERR_END - scanning is completed. You should not call
- any RecDirNext() again.
- DN_ERR_EXAMINE - Failure while examining a file.
- DN_ERR_MEM - not enough memory available to complete
- the operation.
- IF any error will be resulted, RecDirFree will be called
- internally.
- This example will scan through the entire HD0: disk device, and
- will print for each file: its dir path, its name, its size.
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <libraries/supra.h>
- struct RecDirFIB rdf;
- struct RecDirInfo rdi;
- char name[30];
- char path[100];
- LONG size;
- LONG err;
- struct DosBase *DosBase;
- void main()
- {
- if (DosBase = (struct DosBase *)OpenLibrary("dos.library",0)) {
- rdi.rdi_Path = "RAM:"; /* from path "RAM:" */
- rdi.rdi_Num = -1; /* Unlimited subdirs deep */
- rdi.rdi_Pattern = NULL; /* Don't match files for pattern */
- if (RecDirInit(&rdi) == 0) {
- rdf.Path = path; /* We want to get files' path, name and size
- */
- rdf.Name = name;
- rdf.Size = &size;
- while ((err = RecDirNext(&rdi, &rdf)) == 0) {
- printf("%s (%s) %ld\n", path, name, size);
- }
- /* Now check if DN_ERR_END or some other unexpected error */
- switch (err) {
- case DN_ERR_END:
- printf("Scanning completed\n");
- break;
- printf("Error: trouble examining a file\n");
- break;
- case DN_ERR_MEM:
- printf("Error: not enough memory\n");
- }
- }
- CloseLibrary((struct Library *)DosBase);
- } else printf("Cannot open dos.library\n");
- }
- If you want to end scanning earlier you have to call RecDirFree()!
- none found
- RecDirInit(), RecDirTags(), RecDirFree(), libraries/supra.h
- RecDirTags RecDirTags
- RecDirNextTagList -- Gets information about next file (V10)
- (dos V36)
- error = RecDirNextTagList(RecDirInfo, RecDirFIB, TagItems)
- UBYTE = RecDirNextTagList(struct RecDirInfo *, struct RecDirFIB *,
- struct TagItem *);
- error = RecDirNextTags(RecDirInfo, RecDirFIB, tag1, ...)
- UBYTE = RecDirNextTags(struct RecDirInfo *, struct RecDirFIB *,
- ULONG tag1, ...);*
- This function does the same as RecDirNext() but it provides
- a TagList extension. Any additional tags will override initial
- settings in RecDirFIB structure.
- RecDirInfo - pointer to RecDirInfo structure which has been
- called with RecDirInit()
- RecDirFIB - pointer to initialized and set RecDirFIB structure,
- or NULL.
- You can get files' information either by setting
- variables to this structure before calling
- RecDirNextTagList(), or by providing TagItems you
- want.
- NOTE: If you provide any TagItem then RecDirFIB will
- be changed (if it's non-NULL)!
- Tags - The following tags are available:
- RD_NAME - File name will be provided. ti_Data should carry
- a pointer to a string buffer (char *)
- RD_PATH - Directory path where scanned file is.
- RD_FULL - Full directory path + file name
- RD_SIZE - File lenght in bytes. ti_Data must have a pointer to
- a LONG number (LONG *).
- RD_FLAGS - File's protection flags. ti_Data must have a pointer
- to LONG.
- RD_COMMENT - File's comment note. ti_Data carries a pointer to
- a string buffer.
- RD_DATE - File's DateStamp structure. Function will copy the
- entire DateStamp structure into struct DateStamp
- provided in ti_Data field that points to it.
- RD_BLOCKS - File size in blocks. ti_Data should have a pointer
- to LONG
- RD_UID - Owner's UID (not supported with all file systems).
- ti_Data should have a pointer to UWORD variable.
- RD_GID - Owner's GID. ti_Data has a pointer to UWORD variable.
- RD_FIB - FileInfoBlock. Function will copy examined file's
- FileInfoBlock to a provided struct FileInfoBlock
- via ti_Data (ti_Data has a pointer to an allocated
- FileInfoBlock structure).
- Same as for RecDirNext()
- See an example for RecDirNext(). You can replace its line
- RecDirNext(&rdi, &rdf);
- *with*
- RecDirNextTags(&rdi, NULL, RD_PATH, path,
- RD_NAME, name,
- RD_SIZE, &size,
- If RecDirFIB is not NULL, and you provide some tags as well then
- RecDirFIB will be changed. This may change in the future so
- that provided RecDirFIB will not change.
- none found
- RecDirNext(), RecDirInit(), libraries/supra.h
- RelPens RelPens
- RelPens -- Release a list of pens obtained by ObtPens (V10)
- (gfx V39)
- RelPens(cm, PalTable, PensTable)
- void (struct ColorMap *, ULONG *, ULONG *);
- This function repeats calls to ReleasePen() in order to
- release all pens obtained by ObtPens().
- cm = colormap
- PalTable - the same PalTable called with ObtPens()
- PensTable - the same PensTable called with ObtPens()
- Please DO NOT modify PalTable and PensTable between calling
- ObtPens() and RelPens(). This function uses the first long
- word from PalTable (describing number of entries and starting
- position), and all entries from PensTable (except those entries
- that are lower than a starting position).
- You MUST open graphics library (V39 or higher) before calling
- this function!
- ObtPens(), ReleasePen()